PVE Lunch Visitor Reservation System

Lunch Guests

We are very happy to have lunch guests again at PVE, this year using a sign-up system. Students and their guests will have lunch at designated table in the hallway between our two cafes. Your reservation will be for a maximum of 3 people including your PVE student. If you need additional space, please make more than one reservation. Please be prepared to share a table with other visitors. You may only include your PVE student in your lunch visit, classmates are not allowed to join.

We kindly request limiting lunch visits to once per 30 days for each of your PVE students. Thank you for accommodating that guideline as we try to ensure there is ample opportunity for all of our PVE students.

Here's how it works:

  • Sign up for a reservation in advance using this link: PVE Lunch Reservation Link
  • When you sign up, please be certain to complete all fields requested
  • Booking is only open up to 30 days in advance
  • Bring a photo ID and arrive 5 minutes early